Business at Conn
Find out how our unique approach to the liberal arts, exemplary career services and team advising system serve as a springboard to your career in business or finance. Our advisers have real-world experience
Cummings Arts Center, Evans Hall (D3)
Pre-health at Conn
If you’re interested in a career in health or medicine, you’ll want to hear our pre-health advisers describe how you’ll gain the research and quantitative skills, cultural competence, and leadership and service experiences to succeed.
Cummings Arts Center, Oliva Hall (D3)
Pre-law at Conn
While there is no formal pre-law “track,” there are many resources, activities and engagements available if you’re interested in the law. Our pre-law advising team will happily share them here.
Blaustein Humanities Center, Ernst Common Room (F2)
STEM Sessions
We offer nine different sessions so you can attend the one you’re most interested in: Biology; Botany; Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology; Computer Science; Environmental Studies; Geoscience; Mathematics and Statistics; Neuroscience; Physics, Astronomy and Geophysics. Professors in these disciplines will share what it's like to major in them and, if applicable, take you to labs and other spaces they use. They'll also tell you about research opportunities at Conn that are only available to grad students at most colleges.
Tours will depart from the sidewalk in front of Crozier-Williams (G2). When you’re outside, look for a professor holding a sign listing the tour you’d like to take. See the STEM insert in your packet for the full names of tours and their respective sign colors.
Camels Around the World
Visit Walter Commons, our hub for global learning, and speak with staff and students about resources and opportunities that can enhance your global education, including language study, study away, international internships, fellowships and more.
Blaustein Humanities Center, Walter Commons (F2)
Mini Campus Tour
After lunch you can take a mini-tour that will end up back at the big tent where the day started and other events will begin.
Tour departs from the patio in front of Crozier-Williams (G2)