Forms and descriptions of use can be found here 

Please return paper forms to Fanning 105 for processing. When the office is closed, forms can be left in the mail slot on the door.

 Bring signed forms to Fanning 105 for processing
Course Registration            
Add & Overpoint Form

If the instructor has submitted a Course Override, the student must add the course online unless overpointing approval is required. Instructor's Signature is ALWAYS required on the paper form.

First year students in their first semester may not overpoint. Adviser and Class Dean Signature are always required

  • Students with a GPA lower than 3.0 in the previous semester must be approved to overpoint (20 - 27 credits)
  • Students with a GPA higher than 3.0 in the previous semester must be approved to overpoint with 24 - 27 credits
Honors Thesis Registration

This form (with all required signatures) must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the Limited Add Period in each of the two semesters in which you are pursuing an honors study. This signals your intention to pursue an honors study and simultaneously registers you for the course.

Course Drop

When online registration is open, drop the course online; Students must inform instructor of drop out of courtesy

Course Withdrawal & Limited Course Withdrawal Form
  • The Course Withdrawal Period begins the day after Add/Drop ends. Course Instructor, Faculty Adviser, and Class Dean signatures are required to confirm that student has consulted with each. A grade of W will appear on the academic record.
  • The Limited Course Withdrawal Period begins the day after the Course Withdrawal Period ends. The student must meet with the instructor and the instructor must indicate that they approve of the Limited Course Withdrawal by indicating this on the form.Student must also obtain signatures from 1) Course Instructor, 2) Faculty Adviser, and 3) Class Dean to confirm that student has consulted with each. A grade of W will appear on the academic record
S/U Grading Option Students in their junior or senior years, to a maximum of four semesters, with a cumulative and current GPA of 2.0 may elect one otherwise letter-graded course to be graded either Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U). This option may not be used for any course that could be counted toward the major, even if the minimum requirements for the major have already been completed. Courses taken with this option may not be counted toward a minor or College-wide requirement. Bring signed S/U Grading form to Fanning 105 for processing.
Request for Letter of Verification Current Students may access a printable certificate of enrollment via CamelWeb if a valid SSN is on file in our system. If you require a letter verifying enrollment or expected graduation, please submit the completed Request for Verification.
 Major, Minor, Pathway, Center 
Major Minor Declaration      Use the Major Minor Declaration form to declare a major or minor and to indicate who your adviser will be (or change your adviser). The adviser signature is required when declaring a major or minor or when changing advisers. Second semester sophomores must declare their major by March 31st. Please refer to Areas of Study for additional information about majors and minors offered at Connecticut College. The signed form should be brought to Fanning 105.
Major Minor Course Exception Form If a course approved by the department to count toward the major or minor is not appearing in the Major or Minor block on the degree audit, a signed Major Minor Course Exception must be dropped off in Fanning 105 in order to apply the course correctly on the audit.
Major Overlap Form Students with more than one major must complete a Major Overlap form and have it signed by both major advisers. A copy of the form should be made for each adviser, for the department's records. Students should retain a copy for their own records. 
Pathway Course Exception Form If a course has been approved to count toward the Pathway and is not appearing in the Pathway block on the degree audit, a signed Pathway Course Exception must be dropped off in Fanning 105 in order to apply the course correctly on the audit.
Center Course Exception Form This form is for use by students in a Center who have been approved to use course exceptions for their Center requirements. The signed form should be dropped of in Fanning 105. 
Transfer Credit 
Transfer Credit Application Form

Enrolled students planning to take a course elsewhere for transfer must receive pre-approval on the Transfer Credit Application form. The completed form with all signatures should be submitted to the student's class dean, who will file it with the Registrar's office. Refer to the transfer credit application process for current students for additional information. 

Please refer to the Transfer Credit page for additional transfer credit policies.

Request to Post Pre-Matriculation Credit (Class of 2025 and later) 

This form is used to request evaluation of pre-matriculation coursework for first-year students matriculating in fall 2021 or later. Submission of the form will be accepted once the student matriculates, in or after the first semester in attendance.

Students must discuss credit transfer with their adviser first to determine the best time in their career to submit the request. The official grade report or transcript must be on file in the Registrar's office prior to making this request.

Request to Post IB, A-Level, or other Foreign Exam Credit 

This form is used to request evaluation of International Baccalaureate, British A-Level Examinations, and other Foreign Exams so that it can be posted to the Connecticut College academic record.

Students are advised to discuss credit transfer with their class dean and to determine the best time in their career to submit the request. The official grade report or transcript must be on file in the Registrar's office prior to making this request.

Other Forms 
Petition Form     
Contact your class dean for information about the petition process and to obtain a form to petition the Committee on Academic Standing.