Jean Thomas Lambert '45 was a faithful friend and supporter of Connecticut College who cared deeply about the environment. In 2003, the Jean Thomas Lambert Lecture Series was established by the Jean Thomas Lambert Foundation to provide annual lectures for the Goodwin-Niering Center for Conservation Biology and Environmental Studies.

2021 - 2022

Dr. Patricia Kaishian, Bard College. Scientific and Theoretical Lessons from Mycology


Roberta L. Millstein, Department of Philosophy, UC Davis. Thinking about Aldo Leopold: Reflections on Interdisciplinarity and Research Questions


Lori Gruen, Professor of Philosophy, Wesleyan University. "Empathy and Sanctuary: Re-imagining Our Relationships With other Animals."

Jack Ewing, The New York Times. "Can a Corrupt Company Be Green?"


Lauren Hartzell-Nichols '03, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Washington. "A Climate of Risk: Precautionary Principles, Catastrophes, and Climate Change"


Michelle Mart, Associate Professor of History, Penn State Berks, "The Stories We Tell About Pesticides" 


Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet.  "Food Justice for a Small Planet"


Christoph Irmscher, Provost Professor of English, Indiana University. "Three Cheers for the Jellyfish: Writing the life of Louis Agassiz"


Ellen Wohl, Professor, Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, "Water Follows the People: The State of the Platte River Ecosystem after 150 Years if Flow Regulation"

Mark Smith - Director, Eastern U.S. Freshwater Program, The Nature Conservancy, Boston, MA: Balancing Human and Environmental Water Needs with Increasingly Scarce Water Resources


Bryan Norton, Professor of Philosophy, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Evaluation and Species Preservation"

Kenneth Rosenberg, Director, Conservation Science Program, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, "Saving an Ecosystem Through Endangered Species Recovery: Conservation of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker"


Vandana Shiva, Director, The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi, India, "Keeping Food Security in Women's Hands"


Mitchell Thomashow, Director, Antioch New England Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies, "Bringing the Biosphere Home: Learning to Perceive Global Environmental Change"