The IT Service Desk is your first point of contact when you have an issue with your College issued computer. Do not attempt to repair hardware issues yourself, this will void the manufacturer warranty. 

To report an issue call the IT Service Desk at 860.439.HELP(4357), email or open a Web HelpDesk Ticket

Why is it important to call the IT Service Desk rather than a technician directly?

We understand that you might know the technicians. It is extremely important, however, for you to call the IT Service Desk directly.

  • This allows us to log, track and report issues properly.
  • All calls must be entered into the database. The technicians have to enter information for all of the calls that they receive and this takes valuable time away from repairs.
  • The nature of the technician´s job is to be out in offices around campus. Your direct call to the technician might not be received in a timely manner.
  • Sickness, family emergencies, vacations, training and conferences happen. The IT Service Desk is able to assign calls according to which technician is on campus.