The Department of Slavic Studies hosts a number of annual events for its students and for the campus at large. Some of the most popular are:
- bus trips to New York City and Boston to view Russian exhibits, theater, and opera performances
- our Elka holiday celebration in December with Slavic cuisine and music by the Connecticut College Slavic Chorus
- Russian Maslenitsa (Carnival) in the spring, featuring traditional Russian blini
- Russian Paskha (Easter) Celebration, featuring egg dyeing with natural dyes
- film series of Russian and Slavic films
Recent events include:
- Maslenitsa (Russian) and Baba Marta (Bulgarian) celebrations on March 2, 2018
- The establishment of a new Polish Club in spring 2018
- A reenactment of the Storming of the Winter Palace to commemorate the centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution
- A talk by the novelist Gary Shteyngart on Nov. 15, 2017